Hi, Recently I had a situation where I was supposed to upload a binary file to a server side RESTful web service created in Jersey. I faced a lot of trouble in doing so because always one or the other part of the hood was not working properly. The following post gives a step by step process as how to create a RESTful service that accepts uploaded binary files. Pre-requisites: 1. A running RESTful service based on Jersey. 2. An HTML page with file upload component. 3. Tomcat 7 as web server. 4. Eclipse indigo. Note: Let us suppose that tomcat is running on same machine on which the HTML client is present. So we will be using the base domain URL as ' http://localhost:8080/ '. If your service and client are located on different instances of tomcat then replace the localhost part of the URL with the IP address of the machine on which the REST service is running. Step 1 (Eclipse setup): a. Create a 'Dynamic Web Project' in eclipse indigo. Let us say that thi...