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Showing posts from 2013

Using R Programming Language inside Java

Hi, This tutorial walks you through using R programming language inside a java program. R is a powerful programming language for Machine Learning and Data Mining. It contains implementation of various Machine Learning algorithms. Recently i had a situation where i was supposed to use these machine learning algorithms inside my java program. I searched the web but the stuff i found was not of much help. Thus i thought of putting the same in the form of this tutorial. This tutorial is not intended to teach you R language. It is only to help you integrate R to Java and then to use R functions inside a Java program. Pre-requisite: Following things are needed to be pre-configured on your system to use R in Java program: 1. R workbench:  R has got a console known as RGui where R commands/programs could be executed. To install RGui simply go to  and download the ' Download R 3.0.2 for Windows   (52 megabytes, 32/64 bit)...